Sunday, October 04, 2009

::Shape of my Heart::

Sunday, 4 October 2009

Healing a Broken Heart – There is a reason
There was once a young man who proclaimed to have the most beautiful, flawless heart. An old man challenged him. The crowd looked at the old man’s heart. It was beating strongly, but was full of scars. Some pieces had been removed and others had been put in, but they didn’t fit quite right...

The old man looked at the young man and said, “I would never trade my heart for yours. Every scar represents a person I’ve given my love to… I tear out a piece and give it to them. Sometimes, they give me a piece of their broken heart, which I fit along jagged edges. When the person doesn’t return my love, a painful gouge is left. Those gouges stay open, reminding me that I love these people too. Perhaps someday they will return and fill that space.”

True love at times sounds mythical but that it is true – we all know and understand.
It is like a divine glowing orb of light that continues to shine till Eternity if that love felt had really been pure.

This day takes me back to the year 1999, a decade ago when the times from today were different. It was during those days I was like the young man above. These years have transformed my life to such an extent that today I live my days having lost every single thing that had once been so dear to me. All my most precious possessions which I would have never bartered for anything in the worlds began to fall apart and drift away.

I am neither like the old man calloused over the years with age. I am still young but I do have the guts to challenge the likes of this old man because my heart had never quite stopped bleeding. The scars on my heart are so many that it is hard to distinguish whether I have a heart at all – because I have given it all out to the ones I have loved and lost without expecting anything in return.

I had never stopped then. I have not stopped even now. I have never given up.

Love is forgiving because according to me, I believe that love is FOR giving.