Wednesday, August 30, 2006

KazicreationS one is born talented. Having said that, we all have them in us. It is just that we have never looked into ourselves that seriously. I never had any. Inspiration has always been the driving force to my creativity.

For everything I have today & for everything I am, I thank the One Who Gave me the opportunity to become a gentle reminder to everyone out there that "Faith Has No Limits".

I also thank the ones who have been with me all along, especially the one who invented my brandname "KazicreationS" for nothing in return. Wherever he is today, I want him to know that words aren't just enough to express what his presence has been to me.

Thank you all for everything!
Y : K : W

1 comment:

A N T Z said...

this is my fav pic...its beautiful..just like a familiar place i use to visit in my dreams