Talk to the mind and find yourself capturing perhaps the best of moments from the realm of your imagination factory.
Cynically speaking, you do not have to make a Spielberg out of yourself or take lessons behind Hollywood Canons to master the art. All that you require is a tremendously explosive urge to express yourself. After all, fireworks draw attention!
You know exactly what you want better than any technician but before you think of stepping further, you need to learn the art of communicating the message within yourself where every particle of yourself participates in different ways. Behind the scene, your mind is constantly switching from colors to shades to locations and settings to produce the best from the best.
Filming such breathtaking moments on films of transparent spaces can burst cylinders of adrenaline inside one’s mind to concentrate on the subject from beginning to end. The best beginnings usually bring upon the best endings. Every expression is unique depending on the way it is delivered. Likewise, the so called ‘state of the art’ medium used to spread the news of recognition would fail to keep pace against the network of the human mind.
Extraordinary people are not super humans. They are ordinary people who do the extra bit, run the extra mile, and conquer the extra time to become a little extra-ordinary. To own the perfect ‘State’ of the Art, you just need a serene state of your mind. Creativity will awaken from its hibernation and you will notice a difference the next time you see your own reflection…
Cynically speaking, you do not have to make a Spielberg out of yourself or take lessons behind Hollywood Canons to master the art. All that you require is a tremendously explosive urge to express yourself. After all, fireworks draw attention!
You know exactly what you want better than any technician but before you think of stepping further, you need to learn the art of communicating the message within yourself where every particle of yourself participates in different ways. Behind the scene, your mind is constantly switching from colors to shades to locations and settings to produce the best from the best.
Filming such breathtaking moments on films of transparent spaces can burst cylinders of adrenaline inside one’s mind to concentrate on the subject from beginning to end. The best beginnings usually bring upon the best endings. Every expression is unique depending on the way it is delivered. Likewise, the so called ‘state of the art’ medium used to spread the news of recognition would fail to keep pace against the network of the human mind.
Extraordinary people are not super humans. They are ordinary people who do the extra bit, run the extra mile, and conquer the extra time to become a little extra-ordinary. To own the perfect ‘State’ of the Art, you just need a serene state of your mind. Creativity will awaken from its hibernation and you will notice a difference the next time you see your own reflection…
it is just wonderful kazi...
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