Sunday, October 07, 2007

Living a Story

No one wants to die; but to live – that’s the bigger picture of the small story called “Life”.

The road so called “Life” may be shorter version of what it is to become in some later chapter to come but it has in it all the elements of nature that can either make or break a man. Age and grey hair are just some examples of milestones that are crossed in order to distinctly distinguish oneself from the odds in the crowd.

However, all wars may be lost and time wasted simply by choosing the wrong road out of desire only to later realize when late has become too late to recover from one’s oblivion of choice.

The irony of sadness is when it is concealed playfully behind smiles and is never discovered. In a world today where every human is for himself or plays a part with others just for mere material gains is a true reflection of the darker shades of human nature that can be calloused, cold and uncanny in times of need. Wither too little has been shared or too much has been shed. This is reality and this show never stops. It is only the scriptwriters, directors and actors who take their fair turns to display their lexis on stage before a flock of mocking birds waiting to pick their prey.

Sometimes in life, there are these U – Turns, 360s, shifts, drifts and all sorts of speed breakers. Sometimes nothing can be seen ahead apart from unending stretches of obstacles and sky high barriers that do their best to break one’s determination to reach the end. But once again, the choice is ours. Having said that, the amount of hardship and pain we endure may open up gaping questions as to what our purpose had been to achieve such feats when things fall apart…

There are answers but they may not be the same – they all have their own reasons to justify but nothing to prove when time runs out.

I don’t know what others have said in the past. To me, “Whatever begins must come to its ultimate end. That is why we all live the bigger picture of the small story called “Life”. This is simply the nature of this Game”.


A N T Z said...

this is amazing..u r one of the most creative people i came this really you? if it is,, i dont have words for this..its really honestly incredible. i like every single post of you...

Anonymous said...

Hi Kazi.
U began your blog with the words "no one wants to die. " What about suicide ? I feel that is one's will to life in a comfortable past, the easiest way to deal with overwelming emotions.

You also sad that: " The irony of sadness is when it is cocealed playfully behind smiles and is never dicovered."
What about those ppl that hide their sadness behind a smile ...the acting out of happiness , but underneath the deep-deep sorrow caused by others.

But in general I aggree with you. Life as we know it is only a second of what is to we live it and the choices we make will ultimately affect the bigger picture as well as the pressent and the future. We can take the wrong raod out of desire ... wich usually leads to the obsticals and sadness ,that can only be overcome by the intense desire to rectify ones wrongs . To me to live life to its fullest is to , traet others as I would like to be treated- help wher I can and to love another with all my hart.