Tuesday, December 18, 2007

::FooD FoR ThoughT::

Today was yesterday’s tomorrow
Tomorrow is day after today
Today becomes tomorrow’s yesterday.

Time is a blessing in disguise. It is a healer for both the body and soul. It brings with it the wisdom of being silent by provoking meaningful thoughts to our actions – past and present.

True living is surviving against all odds we encounter in life and accepting what is being served without breathing a word. Winning comprises of a collection of time frames to earn that final moment of grandeur and opulence at the finishing line.

Victors are not always the vanquishers wearing the medals and laurels of honor. Mostly, they are the dark horses in disguise.

Optimism is only a theory. Reality is never what was initially planned. Thought are like smoke particles that keep changing and molding into shapes as they are emitted until they disappear if not retained.

Fear and fire are both dangerous if improperly attended. Trust can be as strong as steel and fragile as silk depending on how deep it is.

This world is just the beginning of how life looks like. The hereafter is the real place where life is rewarded by what one has earned to achieve his ultimate goal.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

very true.....Time is a blessing in disguise..as always loved this!! u r the best..